Pas beli, dipilihin warnanya ama mbak2 SA-nya nomor
L403, dan viola, pas dipake pas banget
ama requestku. Warna natural. Langsung aja reviewnya yha.
Kemasan gendut langsing, keliatan gak murahan, baunya
enak gak nyengat. Waktu diaplikasiin ke bibir, warnanya menyatu dengan warna
bibir karena emang warnanya senada ama warna bibirku. here's the swatch..
Jadi kesannya kayak gak
pake lipstick, bagusnya sih ini lipstick gak bikin pecah-pecah parah dibibir
kayak lipstiknya wardah.
Tips aja, aplikasinya gak usah tebel-tebel, cukup 1,2
swatch trus ratain sendiri pake bibir. you can check belows picture of me using this lipstick, before & after
before *there is dark line on my lips*
after, tadaaaaa smooth my lips naturally
The Hollywood Casino at Charles Town Races: Betting on horse
Tickets for the 2018 Kentucky Derby are 제주도 출장안마 available now at The Hollywood Casino at 계룡 출장샵 Charles 구리 출장마사지 Town Races. The Hollywood Casino 안동 출장마사지 at 전라남도 출장마사지 Charles
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